Craig Oates

Prototype Placeholder

Design Tools


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Prototype Placeholder is application which helps its users create placeholder content quickly. It was designed with software developers and designer of digital media in mind. But, it can, also, be used for print-based work flows. 

The main focus of Prototype Placeholder at the minute is images but expect to see tools for generating text and various code templates in the future. 

Due to this being the first release and a M.V.P., I have made Prototype Placeholder free. However, as more features are added and the application is flushed out, that will no longer be the case. So, if you think this is something which might be even remotely useful, I suggest you take advantage of the fact it is free.


Screenshot 1
Screeenshot1: Prototype Placeholder when using the Light theme.

Screenshot 2
Screenshot 2: Prototype Placeholder when using the Dark theme.

Microsoft Store link